GeForce GTX graphics card DVI-VGA display converter doesn’t work – FIX

Recently, I set up triple monitor setup using GeForce 650 TI Boost – PCI graphics card.


I use triple monitors setup for web frontend programming purpose.

  1. LG Wide Screen 21:9 IPS Led Monitor 29EA93 (21:9 resolution) connected via Display Port
  2. LG IPS led monitor 23EA53V (16:9 resolution) connected via DVI-D port.
  3. Samsung SyncMaster 540N (4:3)

I have setup everything correctly and make it work. However, Samsung VGA  monitor unable to get any signal from graphics card via DVI(D or I) to VGA converter.


I used the above converter for my square VGA monitor. So, I started troubleshooting from basics.

  • Made sure my DVI-I and DVI-D sends signal correctly via DIV supported HD monitors, and they worked fine. It concludes graphic card is not faulty.
  • Tried HDMI-VGA converter for D-Sub monitor, that also worked fine. It concludes VGA monitor or connected VGA cable is fine.
  • Tried DVI-I to VGA cable – didn’t work. Means, may be cable is faulty.
  • Tried DVI-I and DVI-D converters for VGA, none of them worked. So, converters may be faulty.

Based on above hypothesis, anyone can think that I am messing around wrong converters and cable for VGA port. But in practical scenario it’s not possible. DVI-VGA connectors are simple hardware and can’t be faulty.

Then I checked for power supply. This graphics card need 6 pin power cable connected from min 450W SMPS. It was connected fine via SMPS’s built-in 6 pin power connector. So, I doubt on it. Then I found a similar cable using dual sockets for power. See figure below.


I’ve got it for Rs.300 from PC hardware shop nearby and tried it. After I connected it to my SMPS and Geforce 650 TI boost, the power supply became sufficient to run all 4 display simultaneously. I turn my PC on and immediately VGA display turned on.

So, in most case if you are using High-end Graphics Card (for 4K display resolution or running 3,4 monitors spanned display) check your 6-pin power cable first, sending sufficient power to graphic card.

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